Pray to Ceiling cat for the big Sur 10 Miler

Sep 19, 2022 Sports And Fitness

How’s your day? Mine was rainy…

Vegas sat by the door hoping and wishing and praying to ceiling cat that the rain would let up, but no dice.
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I prayed to ceiling cat too. but my prayers were for self control that I wouldn’t eat everything in the kitchen. Luckily, I only had one Dove guarantee found in my purse.

When I’m not praying for self control,  I thank ceiling cat for giving me a spouse that purchases me flowers for ‘no reason’. I married Ben for his dimple, the flowers are a perk <3 Oh and, I know the frame is crappy, but I took that picture on the wall. I’m happy of it. Lunch was a good turkey sandwich with sprouts and tons of pickles. Okay, one pickle but it was a big one! I was finished with work by 2pm and spent the rest of the day catching up on emails and blog stuff from home. I felt very snacky so I made sure to have a legit afternoon snack – 3 wasa crisps with PB&J and one with laughing Cow & J, bell pepper on the side. Speaking of non-appetizing pictures… a few people asked about my tattoo I discussed on Friday. I have a flame on my hip, it’s small and tasteful (until I pull my pants down to show everyone). Today I read the Forbes travel guide short article on 10 Marathons worth traveling For. I right away wanted to sign up for all of them, but that’s not even close to being realistic. However, I got very thrilled because 2 of them are in California!!! nothing against Florida, I would love to live there one day, but I am a substantial fan of my home state. The first marathon worth traveling for in CA is the Napa Valley Marathon in March, but registration is closed. Huer. The other one is The big Sur Marathon and that’s sold out Fail and Fail. But, all is not lost because the big Sur 10 miler is still open! I’m on the wait list for the 21 miler, but registered for the 10 miler today! added Bonus: Ben is going to run it with me!! road trip and Run?!?! The last weekend of April is going to be awesome! Since we were recently considering moving out of state I’ve been thinking much more and much more about trying to run all the west coast races that are on my “must run” list. next weekend I have the Tinkerbelle Half, but after that I’m not sure… Envoyez-moi le classeur Sauver Partager c'est aimer! Partager Tweet Broche Partager Poster Partager keep choosing these: packing for the Run Disney red wine & Dine half Marathon Race Weekend packing for the Run Disney red wine & Dine half Marathon Race Weekend packing for the Run Disney red wine and Dine half Marathon Race Weekend. What I'm packing to run the 13.1 mile race OC Marathon training plan and Race discount Code OC Marathon training plan and Race discount Code Marathon and half Marathon training plan intermediate to get faster or PR. For runners with a time goal. strength traini Irvine half Marathon Race Recap Irvine half Marathon Race Recap half Marathon Race recap and Review. Irvine half crazy half marathon running course and race review and suggestions for most significant Marathon Race announcement of the Year most significant Marathon Race announcement of the YearQuel est le défi Goofy Marathon Walt Disney? et Dopey Challenge? informations et comment décider si vous devez Les courses, les courses et les recettes du meilleur de l'année! Les courses, les courses et les recettes du meilleur de l'année! À quel point j'ai couru de nombreux kilomètres cette année. Les meilleures courses et les suggestions de course dans un seul post! Découvrez le nombre de milles totaux et Calo Récapitulatif et photos de la course à demi-marathon de Disney World Récapitulatif et photos de la course à demi-marathon de Disney World Disney World Half Marathon Race récapitulez, révisez et exécutant des photos. Exécuter les photos de cours de course préférées de Disney et ⚡ par ShareaHolic .

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